Lets go back to 2019.

”Me, Jack. The founder of GF Gym, was diagnosed with coeliac disease. After many years of health complaints I had finally figured it out! It was gluten. A protein found in certain grains was triggering my immune system and damaging my body. The culprit of my ill health. But now, I have the answer.”

”Going gluten free is easy right?.. Well, in theory yes. Avoid and be healthy. Simple.”

”Not quite. As anybody who’s gone gluten free can testify, its not quite as simple as that. I liken it to walking through a minefield alone with a metal detector. Most of the time you manage to dodge and avoid, but sometimes you fail to detect what is in front of you, your gluten mine is invisible, or is coupled with something seemingly harmless... and you take a hit. All the while everybody around you runs along the same path without a care in the world.”

”For the most part, I found the transition to a GF diet easier than expected. The main thing I missed? Convenience. As a passionate weight lifter, I struggled to find sports supplements that were 100% safe, some were labelled GF, but stated manufactured on equipment or made in a facility that handles gluten. So, that was a no. Some were labelled no gluten containing ingredients, but that’s very different from GF. Others that stated GF, displayed may contain warnings. Or, i consumed products that were not labelled at all, and I took the risk. Eventually finding out the hard way...”

”The sports supplement industry is, in my opinion, and as I stated before, a minefield for anyone gluten free. The wild west of industries.”

“I wanted to change that.”

Founders Story

Why we do, what we do.

A short video from our founder, giving you insight into the why, and the how, we started and continue to provide gluten free in the right way.